Removing spikes... Now my speakers sing

Have you tried to replace the spikes under your speakers, and replace them by footers ?  I find a better unity in the music from my speakers, and beefy sound, and more natural music.
kalali.  My floor are thin cement floor, covered by wood flooting floor.  A friend of mine make the switch also, he has thicker cement floor, covered by engeniring wood floor, he change the spike for an other model of footer (not like mine Vibrapods)
It depends on the flooring beneath your speakers.  Unfortunately one way is not best for all homes or even systems.  I like using a combo of spikes into Herbies big fat gliders.  This is the best I have heard thus far in my room.  Better than just spikes. I also like spikes into a nice tonewood platform and the platform on Herbies fat gliders.  My floors  are hardwood over floor joists.   
Thanks audiosens,

I actually have a bunch of extra Vibrapods and Vibracones from another setup. I think mine are the thickest (strongest?) version so maybe they can support my KEF Reference Twos?
I tried spikes to herbies gliders over a carpeted suspended wood floors.  I liked the sound spiked directly to the floor.
I've been using Vibrapods for years to decouple speakers from a suspended wood floor and they work perfectly. Speakers are clearer and help make the world a better place, as far as places go.