Tidal and MQA..two questions.

Tidal seems to be in financial trouble as it has been reported in many news outlets. Jay-Z is having problems with not paying artists and paying two artists too much money.
1. Therefore if Jay-Z was forced to sell the artist owned company ...who would bail it out?
2. Also are there any other streaming services that offer MQA content (other than Tidal)?

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Interestingly at the end of that article there is a suggestion Sprint would sell its one third share in Tidal.
Yes I think Sprint may do that. But for those who do listen to MQA content and the investment the recording companies and Bob Stuart has placed into MQA where will one be able to listen to MQA if Tidal folds? I would think someone will buy it???
Someone will buy it. Streaming was 65% of music revenue last year. Jay-Z seems to need a lot of money so he’ll probably sell eventually. That would be OK with me as I’d rather have the emphasis on the site on something other than hip-hop/contemporary R&B.