Best Rocking Speakers 15K and Under

 Been looking around for speakers in the 15K range and under. Most of my music is listened to on Vinyl but recently purchased a Aurender N10 for streaming which I am really happy with. I listen to a very wide range of music, some classical, jazz, classic rock, punk and metal. About 10 years ago I got rid of my 70’s era JBL and Pioneer speakers and they both really played everything well. Now it seems difficult finding the right all around speaker.  FYI, I like playing loud and want to hear the bass, but not wanting to go with subs. 

 So far I have listened with my set-up the new Magico A-3 and was impressed. Also on different gear at a dealer Monitor Audio Platinum 300 (I liked) but wasn’t a fan on the same set-up Totem Wind Design, Aerial 7T or ProAc D48R. In fairness to the Proacs I liked the sound but there was a lot of boominess at the dealer and in a fairly large listening area. Might have to go to a different dealer and listen again. Listened to the Legacy Signatures at Audio Doctor and was really impressed. 

 So my short list is Magico A-3, Legacy Focus SE, ProAc D-48R. Anything I’m missing that I should hunt down for a demo? I haven’t yet but by the encouragement of my salesman wants me to listen on my exact set-up the Focal Kanta and Sopra  as well. 

 Recently switched my front end and although my current speakers sound 100% better still not low enough and the highs become fatiguing afer awhile.
 Currently Gear:
McIntosh C2600 Preamp
McIntosh MC611 Monos
Aurender N10
Dr. Feikert Woodpecker TT with Jelco Tonearm/Koetsu Black Goldline, Denon 301II, Sumiko Blue Point
Speakers Kef Reference 3.

 Not willing to change any of my front end, just speakers. (And please no Tektons)
I talked to another dealer about the Focus SE and XD several months ago and the idea of the Wavelet being a necessary addition was not what I got.  It was pitched to me as an option for an untreated or difficult room where standard treatment methods were not practical or not WAF.  As my dedicated room is well treated and measures well plus I already have subs integrated in the system it was deemed to be not necessary but an option for a later date.  As is with your gear you have plenty of power so bass power could be more than acceptable.  My current Nola KO's measure -6 db at 25 hz in my room so the subs were not "necessary" but are there for reinforcement.  
 The Bache Audio-002 get  absolute the best , very tight and punch , they get unique split and seamless bass , 10" Vifa driver , located  on
bottom   response for lower bass    28-150 Hz and 8" aluminum cone
driver located in front baffle , response for midbass , i have 2 sets
one in my room , another in Audiodoctor in NJ , 
+1 ATC - active ATC work well with the C2600. The tube pre adds some warmth but without losing detail. If you like loud with effortless ease (no boominess or dustortion) then ATC are among the best.
@bache I’ll make it a point to have Dave show them to me next time I am there. Only listened to the Legacy and Persona last time there. 

It was a pleasure to have you in for a visit. The Bache speakers are quite good, Bache's big model with the active bass is here and they are very enjoyable speakers. The top end is not quite as detailed as the Legacy's but the Bache speakers are quite magical in their own right.
Jackd is correct, the XD version is designed to offer the advantages of active bass,  the Wavelet can be added as a full electronic crossover,  to allow for room correction, and eq or you can use the speakers just by themselves with a set of cables from the preamp going to the internal amp. 

The Wavelet can be wired as a full preamp, a preamp and dac,  or just a crossover. 

The surprising thing is how good the $5k Wavelet is as a full system. 

The Legacy setup at the New York Audio Show was unbelieavably good, they had the Aeris at $25k with the Wavelet, and the Focus XD with  the Wavelet, at $16k and even the Calibre's which were active at $6,700 add in the Wavelet at $5k  and you had a remarkable compact system with just a pair of fully active loudspeakers, and a preamp,dac, crossover, and room correction processor with a combined price of $11,700.00 just add a streamer and  you are done!  

Many music lovers would be amazed by what you can accomplish with a full range design with active bass or a semi active design with passive bass. 

If you are looking for a big sounding speaker with amazing bass then the active Legacy Focus XD would be very hard to beat, you can always add in the Wavelet and boom add room correction. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ