The Future of HiFI?

I know turntables are becoming cool again, but stereo consoles?   I find it hard to believe that something like this could catch on.  I think that anything that encourages listening to good music is a positive thing, but I never expected this.
The first thing you are going to want to do is put your TV on top ... 


How about getting a JBL Paragon and putting all of your digital gear and amps right on top! Plenty of room!
Sometimes we audiophiles need to step back and consider that 5 foot tall, 200lb loudspeakers coupled with large "are those space heaters" monoblocs, a rack of other electronics and miles of thick cabling has very little appeal to most people who like listening to music.  A stylish, well built piece of furniture that sounds better than a Bose radio will attract buyers.
  Ah, let's return to the days of the "Magnificent Magnavox" console stereos. I grew up in the 50's and 60's listening to Magnavoxes (or is it Magnavoxi?). Anyway, nice looking cabinets that my mother adored. Crummy sound but it was better than nothing. And so began my audiophilia....