Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
Good summary Bondman. OHMs goal is to make good sound easy and affordable, not hard and complex. I ran them for many years that way not worrying about what could be done to make things better. In 2008 or so I decided to focus on achieving the best sound I could for me and after joining this forum,  dabbling with some other options for a number of years and listening to all the various options, including QUAD ES, Magnepan, and other more conventional designs including B&W, Triangle and Dynaudio, I decided to give the OHM upgrades a chance. Everything else in my system changed after I got the upgraded OHMs in order to perfect the sound. Now it has been that way for several years now and I have enjoyed countless hours of totally contented listening regularly since. Its an endeavor well worth it if one cares, but with the OHMs and the ready availability of high quality electronics to run them these days, its not that hard for many to get the best sound they have ever had relatively easily.
If you watch Bosch on Amazon you will notice he uses OHMs with what appears to be a McIntosh 275.
@bondmanp : Your description of Ohms as being tolerant to less than perfect setups but at the same time rewarding the improvements is exactly what I am looking for now. The former quality will come in handy now, the latter - more down the road ;-)

I sent a diagram and a photo of my room to Ohm and the response I got was: 
"...Yes, we definitely still recommend the 1000 for you based on your overall room size and your listening distance. The irregular shape of the one side of your room will serve to improve the acoustics of the space substantially -- particularly in the area of mid-bass clarity...."

So based on that and not having heard a really strong opinion one way or another in this tread I am going to order 1000s. 
Thank you guys for your help! 
Just thought I'd start up this thread again to state that I have a set of 1000s coming in a few weeks. I had a pair of the original Ohm Fs back in the 1970s and loved them -  they threw an absolutely magical 3D image. I have always regretted selling them when I moved in 1977.

Been through a lot of speakers since. Tried a set of Ohm 200s back in 2003 to replace the aging set of tri-amped trasmission line KEFs I used for a number of years but liked the Maggie 1.6QRs better in the room at that time. When we moved in 2006, the Maggies didn't work in the 13 X 14 room in the new house. I ended up with a pair of Spendor SP1/2Es which I really loved, but the wife didn't like the 70s boxes. So I then switched to the current set of GE Triton 7s. They are very good, but talk about a tight and small sweet spot!

I've got a difficult room as there is an opening behind the right speaker that has no door. I assumed omni type speakers were a lost cause due to the lack of symmetry. After recently talking to John at Ohm, he said the wall IN BETWEEN the two speakers is what's important. If that's the case, I may be OK.

So, here in a few weeks we're going to find out. I'm crossing my fingers that they'll do the trick and have the magic I remember (and, release me from the microscopic sweet spot.)