Klipsch vs Infinity

Infinity Irs Gamma vs Klipschorns. Which would you choose and why. 

I would choose the K Horns....  fully serviceable and can sound great with just a few watts.  IRS were a great speaker but i would be concerned with their longevity at this point in time.

Two completely different speakers.  Klipschorn is based on horn loaded midrange and tweeter drivers.  If you have ever heard horn based speakers, they do have their own sonic signature.  They do excel in reproducing horn type instruments (such as brass and trumpet, etc).  However, they do have somewhat rolled off "ultra high frequencies".

The Infinity IRS, on the other hand, does not suffer from lack of high frequency response.  However, the Infinity sound, well, they sound too "solid state".  They are definitely bright and somewhat thin sounding in the midrange.  Very clean and clear, but they just don't do it for me.

If I had to pick between these two speakers, I would always pick Klipschorn.  It is much livelier sounding and it definitely has a very engaging experience.  The Klipschorn also sounds much more natural than the Infinity.  Even though it lacks the ultra high frequencies, it is just a better sounding speaker.

tough choice kinda like comparing Sushi to a banana...

but .....because you seem to have the corners and resale will be good go with K horns but power with tubes