Tried CD player Cary 300/300 and LOVED it, now what?

I want to move up the chain. 
Hi all, I’ve this Cary CD 300/300 for 3 years now and love it to death. I enjoy its warmness, smoothness, airy and nice touch of detail. It plays nicely with almost any power cords and ICs I throw at it. 
 Please suggest which other Cary CD players or other brands would consider as better? Ayre cx7e been on my list for years...
i listen to instrumental classical jazz vocals strings and a bit of percussion
thank you all and happy listening
how does the Bryston BCD-1 sound w/ the SR cabling compared to the Cary?  These (2) players are close in cost when new ($2500).
Happy Listening!
I’ll stick to my recommendation of the Bluesound Vault 2.  There are no listings on AudioGon for Bluesound and they sell a lot of product.  That indicates a whole bunch of satisfied owners.  
@jafant The Bryston BCD-1 is clean detail and natural and, with right set up, i believe it can be had with hell lot of excitement. But, because I'm using warm sounding conditioner Richard Gray 400, so when combined with a complete Synergistic Research Power cords and ICs, I didn't like it as much; warmer, yes! but I could not get the PRaT out of it (3,4 years now). Also, when I tried Transparent Audio entry levels RCA and XLR, BCD-1 was a bit smoother but still SOMEWHAT dull and congested. Therefore, I went back and give it its own a whole new diff cables and cords from AC wall outlet to RG400 conditioner then to BCD-1. Power cords from PS Audio AC-12, Kaplan GS, Triode Wire Labs, and Cardas Golden Power and they do go well together. Too, RCA interconnects from MIT (16 poles) and Tara Labs, I do like.
Bryston BCD-1 is a great cdp and sensitive to PC's and IC's, so, i dont know, you may get better result with Synergistic Research cables and cords in your set up?
The Cary 300/300 matches very well with SR so I leave them like that untouched for the last 3,4 years now. Great luck and sorry for going off track. Happy listening

@rhljazz Thank you so much for the suggestion but going to music digital server is way out of my...comfort?
You would prob see me drop $1k on a DAC first.... Though, I will keep it in mind because soon and later, it is in our future.
Much Thanks! nasamanI like your selection of cables/power cords.
Happy Listening!
Cary 300/300 and LOVED it, now what?

I liked it also, it uses a PCM1792 dacs, which are a hy-brid R2R Muiltibit and Delata Sigma.
I had a chance to compare it to the Cary 303/200 which is full R2R Multibit PCM1704 and preferred it because of I thought it had better boogie factor and slam.

If you want to stay with that Hy-Brid dac sound, look for cdp’s or dacs that use the PCM1792 or PCM1794 or the latest PCM1796 dac chips.

Just look in this massive list to find which cdp or dac uses these hy-brid dacs.

Cheers George