I hope we all find that friend someday. Even if it's just for a short time. I recently lost my best friend. We met when we were very young, like 6 years old, and later became best friends. Say around 10 years old, but I think it was actually younger. Anyway, he passed away almost 2 years ago now. I'm 46. He was a little younger, like 6 months. We were so close we finished each other's sentences. Heck we could just trade the stories off to each other if we had to leave the party, or whatever. We thought alike, and could talk about anything. And I do mean ANYTHING. All those shared memories. You'll never, ever, ever get that again from another person. That's it. That ship has sailed.
But as sad as that sounds. There's a much worse alternative. And that's us having never met in the first place. So honestly. I don't look back with anger. Maybe a little sadness. But when I do. I remember how lucky I was to have ever had a friend that close. And I remember all the good (crazy lol) times we had too. I think of all the people I met because of him too. I still talk with his brother, and mother occasionally. And even though his brother is very different. He was their for much of it all too. So I feel blessed to have that even. At 46 years old. Basically all my close friends are gone, or moved away. Or changed, as life does to most of us. But I look back at all the fun times, and feel very lucky to have had those times and to still have the memories. I hope you all do too. I've talked to many people over the years that have never known this feeling. Maybe they were a military brat, or whatever. And they have a sadness in their heart I don't have, because of this.
There's actually been a lot of studies, and talk of this I've read about fairly recently. And it's actually a really big deal for us guys to have a good friend. Unfortunately a wife just isn't the same. And even more unfortunately society reinforces the false notion that we should grow up, and put family over our friends. Yes of course family is first. But there's no reason we can't have both. I'm not sure exactly what I'm getting at other then. I feel your pain. And I also feel lucky to have had a good friend in the first place, even though he's gone. And the really sad part is. I started with this hobby again about a year ago. And he always loved the stereos I had when I was young, and was a very accomplished musician himself. So although he wouldn't be in the hobby himself. He would've been a great sounding board, and would have loved to listen to my gear. That would have been great. But so was the 30 plus years we had as best friends. Bless you all.