Core Power Technologies

Does anyone know, is Core Power Technologies still around? I was considering purchasing (2) Ec1200’s but don’t want to be in a holding pattern for the next year. Are they or (Mark) still in existence? What’s the lowdown or suggestion of comparable item.
I haven't heard a word from anyone regarding the Deep Core. It would truly be a huge plus to someone, I don't know who, Mark, a transition team etc if droleg, ozzy, the guy that vanished and myself would receive a Deep Core and had positive comments to make about it. After all our hope is that the Deep Core will transform ones system in a positive manner.
Too add to Lak's comments. We beta testers went through a lot testing Deep Core versions 1-2. 
The first one I had caught fire, the 2nd one blew SR Blue fuses etc, and I know droleg's damaged his other equipment.

ozzy To add to Lak's comments. We beta testers went through a lot testing Deep Core versions 1-2.
The first one I had caught fire, the 2nd one blew SR Blue fuses etc, and I know droleg's damaged his other equipment.
I know we can never get full compensation for the lost time of enjoying our systems, but at least, were you quickly and properly compensated?
To both Ozzy and Lak I cannot tell you how much I appreciate both your contributions in these forums. Especially in light of the disastrous V2 release, at this point it would at least make business sense to get DC's in your hands since you were involved from day 1.

I'd personally need to hear a review from someone I trust, someone with EQ's already in their systems who'd be able to listen for and write up any noticeable improvements with DC V3.