Grammatical Errors in Recorded Music...

I'm sitting here (obviously bored) at work, and I thought that this might make for an amusing thread. Over the years, I've noticed a few grammatical errors by singers on favorite recordings. The first one that always comes to mind is Jimi Hendrix on "Castles Made of Sand" from The Axis Bold as Love album. Near the end of the song, he says: "So castles made of sand slips into the sea, eventually."
Has anyone else noticed this one, or any other interesting gaffes?  
When I think of Hendrix I always think of...

"scuze me while I kiss dis guy"

Too many to post...…….

not that this is always a bad thing. Latitude is always welcome, In my book, for the purpose/the song...get it?
There's a difference, I'd suggest, between plain old bad writing -- like the bit by The Doors I cited above -- and something done for effect. No one hearing Dylan sing "I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more" would be led to believe by the double negative that he fully intends to put in more time laboring for Maggie. (Or for her brother, or for her pa, for that matter.)

"Satisfaction," one of the great rock 'n' roll songs of all time, is similar, I think. Though it may not please the English teachers, it's right on the beam, and wouldn't have been nearly as good any other way.