Here's a Croft phono preamp for stupid money - less than half price.
Great Value in Used Phono Preamp’s?
Here's a Croft phono preamp for stupid money - less than half price. |
roberjerman Bruce Moore made a phono stage version of his Paragon 12 called the Paragon E. Might be worth pursuing! The Paragon System E was a full function preamp with a MM phono stage. I think it is very unlikely the OP will find one in his price range. I sold mine for quite a bit more than $500 |
One of the best, sound for cost, values out there (IMO, but also many others), is the Grahasm Slee Reflex M. With the proper outboard power supply (PSU1), it would probably cost you about 7 or 8 hundred used. But you could find one that has just the wall-wart PS for $500, and add the PSU1 when more funds become available. You would definitely, eventually want the PSU1. You wouldn't require an upgrade for a long time, if ever. Dave |