Next step: preamp or phono preamp

After 14 weeks my power amplifier arrived. For the last few weeks it’s been burning in beautifully.

Since vinyl is my primary listening I want to ask what my next step should be. My plan had been a tube preamp next as I’m currently using a Schiit SYS as a stop gap. But maybe the phono would be a better starting spot? My TT will be replaced and isn’t anything to write about (Project DC with 2M Blue) at some point as well.

I know where I will end up but am looking for guidance on the order of steps to get there as everything will need to be done piece by piece.

Current phonostage is a Lounge LCR MKIII
Well, since you have decided on the pre and phonostage then trying the phonostage with the SYS 1st might prove interesting. You may possibly decide to upgrade the TT/cartridge prior to the linestage pre. Not sure about phonostage compatibility with passive pre however.  I own a SYS, most to play around with in secondary systems. Only driven by DACs with high output. 
A budget would be helpful.
Many stand-alone phono stages are not really all that well suited for driving the power amp directly, although it can work. The advantage of the line section is that it can make sure you have enough gain, and reduce the effects of the interconnect cable that feeds the amplifier.
If the phono section is integrated into the preamp, the connectivity issues (coloration due to an interconnect cable and impedance issues) are reduced.
@mesch My Loungle is going right into the SYS and it works good. I don't have anything to compare it to other than I have to run it louder than my digital source (loud is 12 o'clock vs 10 o'clock on my digital source).

As I said, I know what components I'm getting, I'm just not sure in what order, as these will be bought individually. Like, I'm afraid that upgrading the table and cart wouldn't yield a bunch of difference until the new phonostage comes in, conversely having a good phonostage and the 2M Blue might be a drawback.
if your looking at both why not get a good preamp with a good phono stage built in. many out there. I'd go tube pre if it was me but we all have different sound tastes.
@glennewdick I already have the preamp and phonostage picked out. The preamp will be a tube preamp, the phono is solid state.

My question is order of purchase, not what to purchase.