budget lcd or plasma: 720p good enough?

For an entry HT...would a 720 tv be decent or should i just go with 1080...budget is super tight....
720p is just as good as 1080p for 50" and smaller. I can quote numerous reviews and expert opinions that all support this. I just bought a 50" plasma 720p from Sears for $900 (minus 10% if you buy on line with their credit card and have it delivered to the store=$810!). Panasonic Viera TH-50PX80U. Fabulous picture on HD material and excellent on SD DVD depending on the quality of the film.
It is nice to see that true audio video people can see the difference. I get sick of all the 1080p people going nuts over it. They are not going bluray and have no Idea what true 1080p is. If going at or below 50" and not going to do anything besides cable or satelite then forget about 1080p. As far as budget plasma is without question the much better option. I have the 81 series samsung Lcds and love them. But look at the price. If you are going bluray the 720p will still give you a great picture. Just buy what you like. I would go samsung panasonic or pioneer.
I agree 100% that the size vs resolution is a major factor and at a tight budget I dont think one has much of a choice. lucky for them it doesnt matter. I will go one step further and say 1080P is still a questionable purchase due to individual viewing. A guy who wants to watch mostly sports and cable/sateltite with the occasional Blu Ray ofcourse still doesnt need 1080P. For the guy who watches or intends to watch 1 or so Blu Rays per week then it becomes a more reasonable option and the premium is more justified.....even so a 720P with Blu Ray is still going to look fantastic and you can be careful with your cash, something many of us think about these days.
It does no good to have the best resolution if it never or almost never gets that signal....and only Blu Ray offers TRUE 1080P at this time.
Phasecorrect- I think everyone missed mentioning what I think is the key here; how far you sit from the set. You can not be anymore than six seven feet or so from a 50-inch set to discern 1080p resolution. Much more than that and 720p will give you the same result. In any case, dive in; you'll love 720p.
