Best amp for KEF LS50

Looking for best possible amplifier for KEF LS50s. I have tried Parasound Halo A23,  Benchmark's new amp and ,currently the Audio Alchemy DPA-1. So far, Audio Alchemy sounds the best, Parasound next and Benchmark the least satisfying, But, I'm still wanting a better match. I'm looking under $3000, tubes or solid state, new or used, and hopefully not huge and weighing a ton. I would really appreciate recommendations.

LS50 is a not an easy speaker to drive as it spends much of its low mid range and bass frequencies between 6ohm and 4 ohm.  Solid state amps that fail to provide adequate current into those lower impedance range would result in higher frequencies standing out, hence sounding 'bright'.  The best kind of amp to drive LS50 is one that can double power from 8ohm to 4ohm that could either be a Class AB or Class D if you're into solid state.  For solid state, not to over spend way beyond price range of your speakers I would recommend Marantz HD-AMP1 or PS Audio S300, both have really great used price.  I read great things about NAD 3020 but never used myself.  I paired the Marantz with my B&W 805D3 with good results.

Otherwise, tube amps do handle lower impedance better than most solid state in your price range.  If you're new to tube amp, picking up a used Yaqin KT88 or EL34 based amp from or here on Audiogon could be a good starting point.

I've heard the LS50s a number of times. The first time was the best; it was at THE Show at Newport when they premiered. They were paired with Parasound separates that were approx $8-9k and a laptop for source. Very nice sound, but a lot of $$ for a $1,500 speaker. Then heard them with Parasound again, but an integrated (not the big one) and the sound was not near as good as with the separates. One thing I've heard over and over is the LS50s need lots of power. Too bad they don't have a more benign impedance curve.