Whizzer cone removal

I've got a pair single driver speakers I've supplemented with a ribbon supertweeter and single cap crossover at 3khz. I'm just wondering about very carefully removing the whizzer and if anybody has tried this and if it worked to positive effect. Thanks!

@Fourwinds Sorry,
I have just found this thread. I’ve experimented with whizzer augmentation extensively. Depending on what your goal is, when done correctly, it is a no brainer. Of course realize that you are now dealing with a crossover and to the single driver purist, everything goes out the window.
First, I have tamed a whizzer by coating the whizzer itself with latex. A single coat tends to tame it a bit without killing its extension. If you cannot find latex.... take a paint can (home based latex paint) that has been sitting for months or years, grab it being careful not to shake it up, open it carefully and you will see the latex on top separated from the paint pigment.

Next, I think Bache nailed it. A sharp blade and a careful hand and the whizzer comes right off. I typically still put a thin coat of latex around the cut area, then use a crossover according to what I am trying to achieve.
I’ve done this with outstanding results.

I just looked at the dots that Dekay posted, these will work also, they are simply damping the cone killing cone breakup. This can make a difference, what I don’t like about this method is the amount of mass that it adds to the whizzer, while it does kill resonances, it adds enough mass that you are killing a bit of sensitivity to the whizzer and rolling off its extension both.... The latex works a bit better, but, the latex is not reversible. 
By the way,  not too many ribbons will like being crossed at 3k @ 6db per octave. 
Also remember, once you cut off the whizzer, you now need to deal with properly blending a tweeter. Good luck, I hope all of this adds a bit of insight, Tim
@timlub thank you for your post. I’m curious and encouraged. First, why do you say a ribbon would not be happy crossed at 3k? What do you mean by 6db per octave. Sorry, my technical skills are matched by no one.
  you have to crossed 7-9k , is best to use High efficiency fostex
sypertweerers ,

after reading that you are unaware of what 6db means I would not recommend that you cut off the whizzer on any expensive part..  I don't see anywhere about what driver you are using.  It would take some understanding of frequencies and crossover slopes to properly blend parts.  It is even possible that a single cap is completely inappropriate.  
I am using this driver in some of my models. Whizzer cone , read my
previous post is the simple piece of paper  and coudnot play tweeter