JL Fathom repair

I have a JL F112 and the rubber surround has developed a hole in it.  I am located in the Portland Oregon area and there doesn't seem to be anyone that can do the repairs....it sounds like you have to ship this massive thing back to JL in Florida for something that should be pretty simple.  Does anyone have any suggestions or alternatives for repair that don't involve a return to JL?


That is generous to do a flat rate with shipping for only $300 ....a lot of that money goes toward shipping I'm sure.
They redid my F112last year and it is as good as new now and has some of their 1 year repair warranty left on the clock. The way that JL and Randy stand behind their products is admirable and the service they offer for $300 is basically unbeatable and justifies (along with their awesome sound quality) the high cost of entry into this brand. 
Well I may be changing my mind about recommending JL Audio Service. Today is 2 weeks since I sent my JL-F-113 in for repair and they haven't looked at it yet.
Originally I was told it was about a 3 week turnaround. Now that they have it I'm being told it may be 3 weeks until they look at it. They said sorry about the confusion. More like BS...

JL Audio's Fathom (and Gotham) subwoofer series sport foam surrounds, not rubber, and while earlier types of foam surrounds have been known to deteriorate more readily than rubber and not least cloth surrounds - typically going into degradation mode from somewhere between 5-10 to 15 years, depending on different factors - I'm surprised this material is still used in drivers build today in the specific compound that offers no advance in lifespan. How old are the JL Audio subs in question here to need reconing/"updating"? I'm assuming they are no more than 10 years old. Newer foam variants, including foamed rubber, should be more resilient and durable and last up to 20-25 years, so I'm surprised why these types of foam surrounds haven't been implemented in JL Audio's premium subs years ago to prevent costumers from the hassle of "updating" so relatively close to their purchase year. 
Well its been over 3 weeks now and I can't seem to be able to get any information on my sub. Shane from JL originally was communicating with me but for the past week there has been no reply.

I hope I get the sub back...
