Thanks for your excellent response and the time it took: the thread continues to work.
Had exactly the same experience with the Nord opamps and would have kept the unit had the left channel not died. Colin is a fine professional and refunded the entire purchase price.
BUT, AGAIN, when I went back to my earlier monoblocks I was shocked at the difference in timbral accuracy. Sounds as if your CA friend had a similar, but less strong, experience.
The Pass labs amps are highly touted but I have used Emotiva amps for years in the home and studio and the few complaints levied against them -- too bright, too accurate -- are pluses for me.
My next audio project is to upgrade the speakers in my winter home -- currently am using there the Emotiva T1/C1/E1 5 channel set. They’re great for the money but Tekton speakers are a whole ’nother league.
SO YOUR COMMENTS about the Encore are very helpful and my approach is to base purchase decisions on owners who report actual experiences. In this area your posts are extremely helpful.
Perhaps Eric, or one of his helpers, will post the specific bass and midrange speakers he uses for the Ulfberhts and Encores. This is a big plus for those of us who want to ensure we can replace blown transducers down the road. Have identified the ScanSpeak tweeters he uses and they are available from Madisound.