Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers

@craigl59 I purchased the Nord One SE UP NC500MB Monoblocks for about $2800.00 with both Op-Amps for each monoblock a few months ago from Colin; a very nice chap to do business with. I tried both op-amp input buffer boards and ended up preferring the Sparkos Lab version over Sonic Imagery op-amp board. The Sparkos was more dynamic and less veiled while still retaining a slightly warm sound signature that I prefer whereas the Sonic Imagery felt like the additional added warmth was getting in the way of the music. I sent these amps to my audiophile friend in California to try out as an alternative to him running Threshold CLASS-A monoblocks and he enjoyed them, but ultimately said he felt they were slightly 2 dimensional in comparison to some older Class A Pass Labs monoblocks he had also just recently inherited (What a lucky guy!). The reason for this experiment was to see how they fared against some very formidable Class A amplifier competition. In the end he liked them compared to his Thresholds, but not as much as the newly acquired used pair of single-ended Pass Labs Monoblocks which have a very magical sound quality that is hard for many amplifiers to best and that I witnessed first hand while visiting him a few weeks ago while traveling back to CA to see my friends on the west coast. He was hoping the Nords would be good enough so he wouldn’t have to contend with the heat, hvac, and overall higher electric bill from running the Class A amps round the clock for extended periods to keep them sounding at their best. He’s retired and on a fixed income, in poor health, and electricity costs in California has got to be the biggest ripoff in the nation for electricity rates. I was very adamant that he keep the Pass Labs over his Thresholds and that he not give them back to his friend because he felt they were better than his friend’s Bryston amps (4 pairs of the biggest ones they make). He felt guilty keeping amps that were better sounding to the both of us, but luckily the other mutual friend was adamant that he keep them and that he would buy more new pass lab amps in due time. BUT, I DIGRESS...Terribly sorry for that, but I figured a little back-story might be helpful!

To your point, when I compare the sound I had from my Art Audio 300b Tube Amplifier to the Nords they sound more close than different and it’s hard to discern a clear deficiency tonally, but they definitely slaughter the tube amp in the dynamics and weight/bass department. There’s a bloom the tube amp has that is missing from the Nords, but I really don’t notice much if any deficiency in tonal weight of instruments and maybe my tube bias for flea powered amplifiers color my assessment to a degree. I do use judicious amounts of EQ to correct for any room anomalies of which there are very few in my very modest sized 16’x14’ room which limits how far I can pull the speakers away from the wall (about 2’) and my listening position which is relatively nearfield and about 2’ from the back wall. I would say in my system with the Encores I’m just enthralled with the sound that I am getting and unless I could spring for a pair of Pass Lab monoblocks, I feel very content with where my system is at sonically which may very well be that the Encores are just so damn good sounding over my double impacts that I’m on a bit of a honeymoon period and am not being critical enough to discern much of an issue with tonal weight presently. I really think I may just be lucky with a room, amp, speaker, DSP, and total system synergy that it is very satisfying to my ears, but maybe I will be more critical of the sound over the next few months and change my opinion at a later date. I’m just having a ball listening to music and enjoying myself immensely at this point. Hope that helps you some. I know it’s not much to go on.  Edit:  I do not know the OEM for the bass drivers, but they are quite impressive sounding.  


Thanks for your excellent response and the time it took: the thread continues to work.

Had exactly the same experience with the Nord opamps and would have kept the unit had the left channel not died. Colin is a fine professional and refunded the entire purchase price.

BUT, AGAIN, when I went back to my earlier monoblocks I was shocked at the difference in timbral accuracy. Sounds as if your CA friend had a similar, but less strong, experience.

The Pass labs amps are highly touted but I have used Emotiva amps for years in the home and studio and the few complaints levied against them -- too bright, too accurate -- are pluses for me.

My next audio project is to upgrade the speakers in my winter home -- currently am using there the Emotiva T1/C1/E1 5 channel set. They’re great for the money but Tekton speakers are a whole ’nother league.

SO YOUR COMMENTS about the Encore are very helpful and my approach is to base purchase decisions on owners who report actual experiences. In this area your posts are extremely helpful.

Perhaps Eric, or one of his helpers, will post the specific bass and midrange speakers he uses for the Ulfberhts and Encores. This is a big plus for those of us who want to ensure we can replace blown transducers down the road. Have identified the ScanSpeak tweeters he uses and they are available from Madisound.

I love the seven tweeters. They do so remind me of the good old days and the Bose 901's. If only we had two more tweeters. 
@Craigl59 I can see how a person who wants accuracy and detail for studio use would definitely have a clearer understanding regarding timbral accuracy and tonal weight and body.  I think I'm more forgiving and more interested in hearing a warmer, smoother, and richer sound that lacks accuracy because it can make enjoying poor recordings easier and long listening sessions more enjoyable.  I like 2nd/3rd order distortion because it rounds things out sonically.  I can't quite grasp how the Nords simulate a tube amplifier, but I assume their input buffer stage is to blame or praise depending on the intent of the user.

@soundsrealaudio I concur and 15 Tweeters is better than 7, LMAO! 

(I'm really just trying to make my post long enough to get this thread to the 100th page!)

@jcarcopo  It's the number of posts that get's you there, not the length. In accordance I have added one to meet your wishes that much sooner. : )