Seeking informed recommendations for power cables and interconnects

I made some recent component upgrades and am seeking recommendations for upgrades to my stock power cables and interconnects (currently Blue Jean Cable). I am not looking for a particular sound or effect, but rather an improvement over what I have now. I am a novice without experience swapping cables so any advice is welcomed. I understand this is an issue of contention, but I am open-minded and would like to hear positive recommendations, and not arguments against cable upgrading (I am familiar with this position).

My system consists of:
  • Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II integrated amplifier
  • Merrill Super12 Polytable turntable w/ Ortofon 2M Black cartridge
  • OPPO UDP-203 digital player
  • Vandersteen 2CE speakers
  • Furman IT-Reference 15i power conditioner
I am running into a dedicated AC line into a Porter Port outlet. I assume that the power cord from the outlet to the Furman would not need upgrading since it is being "conditioned" (I could be wrong).

What would be the recommended priority for upgrades (power cord (1st) vs. interconnect (2nd)? What brands are recommended. I want to limit the budget for both power cords and interconnects to $500 a piece.

Thanks in advance.

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In addition, I am also using a Parks Audio Budgie Hybrid phono amp and using AudioQuest Rocket33 speaker cables.
The best advice you’ll get is to try some different cables, either through The Cable Co. or a dealer who has access without an agenda (I know, I can hear the snickers but there are some good dealers out there).
What works for one person in one system isn’t necessarily something you can readily extrapolate and apply to yours- you really have to hear these things in situ.
There are some known ’house sounds’ to different brands, some favorites in terms of synergy with certain speaker/amp combos, etc. but the only way to get to the bottom of it is for you to make informed decisions in your system using your ears.
I have a range of cables, from high end stuff that i use in my main system to a combo of DIY and modest, beer budget stuff in my vintage system.
You’ll get a lot of positive feedback from users who have gone through the process and reached a conclusion based on their systems and sonic preferences. Getting a dozen or more brand/model suggestions without listening wouldn’t be helpful in my estimation. And, cable changes, while they make a difference, aren’t a substitute for a good set up, placement in the room, etc. Do you own a copy of Jim Smith’s book?- that is probably worth getting if you don’t own it.
Have you tried running your amp direct into the wall rather than through the Furman?
PS: there’s a whole school of DIY cable that has gotten traction in the more mainstream audiophile community in the last couple years. That may also be worth exploring. Harder to try before you buy, but some of it isn’t terribly expensive.
Thanks whart, helpful advice. I agree your way is the preferable means to isolate the best performers. I was hoping others who have used similar components may have already been through this exercise.

I ran the amp into the wall before getting the Furman. To my ears, the Furman improved the sound and lowered floor noise.
I have seen Jim's book referenced before and plan to get a copy.
As a fellow Vandy owner, I think AQ is the best choice for speaker wire.
I use the GO-4 double shotgunned to the speaker.
I suggest PM-ing John Rutan (audioconnection). He sells Vandersteen and AQ. and knows just about everything stereo. He can give you lots of free information without trying to sell you something. I think he will provide the best information for your current components.