I started having issues with my Integra (flagship Onkyo) 50.1 where it was dropping the audio signal from multiple sources. I contacted Onkyo USA support and gave them a quick history of what my issue was and what I had done to trouble shoot. Their response was to get my serial number and then send me a box with prepaid label to ship the receiver to them for repair at no cost to me. The was mind boggling to me as it’s a 2008 model, I think, with an advertised 3 year warranty. They also fixed a 40.2 for a friend which was why I even contacted them. It might be an Integra thing or less likely related to the super high end audio store that we purchased them from. It’s strange to me. The only email that I didn’t get a response to was my inquiry about why I qualified for this level of service. It’s in the mail or with them now.
I don’t know why I am getting the service I am, but would recommend giving Onkyo support another chance and let them know what all you have tried. You never know.
I don’t know why I am getting the service I am, but would recommend giving Onkyo support another chance and let them know what all you have tried. You never know.