Looking for a high end integrated to suit Dynaudio contour 5.4's

Hi All

I am looking to move to an integrated amp to drive my Contours.  Dyns look to respond well to amps that are high current as I have had a Griffen Diablo connected into my system and there was a massive difference in the performance of my Dyns.  While I would love a Griffen its pricey so I am looking for an alternative.  At this stage I have been considering a Pass Labs INT-250, Audia Flight FLS-10, Vitus R-101 and Griffen Diablo 300.

Does anyone out there have any of these speaker/amplifier combinations or other suggestions around amplification for the Contours?

I have heard the Vitus RI-100 with the Dynaudio 5.4's and it was a wonderful pairing. Great integrated, lots of power and controlled the Dynaudio's well. I have not heard the others or the newer RI-101. 

Of that group of amps, If you can afford the Vitus RI-101, I could recommend it highly having recently reviewed that amp. The Vitus also has the uncanny knack of pairing well with a wide range of speakers. Otherwise If you need a lot of power, I’d go for the AF FLS-10. However if you like more of a warm/harmonically rich sound, I would take an Audio Analogue Maestro Anniversary over the Pass Labs INT-250. That is a beautifully designed, built & musical sounding amp, and would get the job done driving the Dyns.
Thanks melbguyone.  If only you could listen to gear of this quality in your own config before buying :-)
YW plb02. Home auditions are difficult. I’ve had to audition the amps I mentioned in Dealer’s showrooms & friend’s rooms. Though mostly in my Dealer’s shop which is familiar.