Rather narrow dispersion in the top octave will give it a horn like character. The vertical response is rather uneven in the mid range which is a little more concerning. Overly Bass heavy but so are more than 70% of current day speakers.
Overall not bad at all. Not quite a reference quality speaker but great performance for the price! Nothing overly concerning at all and an excellent waterfall plot (good quality drivers). No wonder they are so popular. I am impressed!
Rather narrow dispersion in the top octave will give it a horn like character. The vertical response is rather uneven in the mid range which is a little more concerning. Overly Bass heavy but so are more than 70% of current day speakers.
Overall not bad at all. Not quite a reference quality speaker but great performance for the price! Nothing overly concerning at all and an excellent waterfall plot (good quality drivers). No wonder they are so popular. I am impressed!