@elf1: I have the Calypso Signature and find it to be everything I need as far as the connectors go, (almost) as well as the sound. It, as others do, it has a muting circuit, which puts it into standby mode as soon as it’s powered up. The only thing it doesn’t have that I wish it did is xlr outputs for the tape monitor. I’m using all balanced cables, except for the tape monitor, which I use for my subs. It’s very clean, dynamic with plenty of gain steps. The balance control is very handy, as there are both LP’s and cds that I will occainsionally need to adjust slightly. For a company called Aesthethix, the remote is a little cheesy looking. As with any tube amp, the end sound, will be greatly influenced by the tubes you use. It also has an illumination control, for dimming, or turning off the led read outs. The top opens up for tube rolling, by simply lifting it up. No tools required. I’m pushing a couple of Krell monoblocks and the combination gives me all the slam I couled ever want. Great midrange and highs too. I’m very happy with mine.