Oppo 105 D vs. DAC-transport combination.

To my great dismay, the more I listen, I’m finding my Oppo 105 is outperforming a very well thought of DAC and transport combination for which I paid 3x the price.  Basically the sound stage is wider and better defined.
Both the DAC and transport are less than a year old.  I thought I was upgrading.
Played by itself, the DAC-transport combo sounds great.  Until I compare it to the Oppo. 
I can’t understand it!
stick and stones....Just out of curiosity, what is the “quality of the musical experience “ that you missed with the Oppo compared with vinyl?  I will assume that it isn’t the joy of cleaning dust bunnies from your stylus, or the tactile pleasure of hearing the walls of the Lp groove being shredded by the sewing needle attached to the cartridge.  Is it the limited dynamic range of lp playback compared to digital that floats your boat?  Personally, if I want to listen to Music with restricted dynamic range, I opt for MP3, because at least it’s quieter.  But hey, enjoy.
Thank you for the kind words...at least you perceived that I was attempting to be humorous.  And I agree with you that the gift of music emerging from a silent background is something to be treasured.  Vinyl aficionados apparently prefer some of the background noise inherent to lp replay, and isn’t it great that we listeners are able to choose for ourselves which option we prefer?
@rvpiano Don’t be shocked that the Oppo bested Cyrus ( a product that I have no direct experience with).  Oppos are well engineered machines, and just because another product is more expensive doesn’t make it better. Oppos have been known to be terrific values 
Oppos are certainly terrific values for all they have to offer, 

But IMO it does many things pretty good, but nothing great. 
Someone above said the 105 is much better than the Oppo 95 which I base my experience on. 

As RV Piano has talked about, why the Cyrus transport not doing well? Not sure about the internals, but the first I do when I buy a piece of equipment is to replace the stock cord. 

I'm always amazed how much better the sound can get with a good entry level "audiophile" cord. I wouldn't spend more than $100 on the power cable, new or used. but lots out there to choose from ...

I’m pretty sure you have something there.
Interesting situation with the Cyrus.  I ordered it from an English store. The power cord included had a European outlet end so I couldn’t plug it into the wall. To make matters worse, the other end, the end that connects to the transport, has only two prong holes instead of the normal three.
As a solution I substituted a regular three hole plug and plugged two of the holes into the transport. The unit worked.
As you mention it, It dawns on me now that this could very well be the problem.  
The dilemma is, where do you get a two hole cable with an American outlet plug?
Anybody have a suggestion?
@rvpiano - Assuming your equipment is 115V and you live near a class-x (international) airport, purchase a converter at the small electronic stores they usually have. My best shot...
You may want to consider making your own power cord for this combo.
Pretty sure you can buy a 2 pin female plug.

Just a thought