Oppo 105 D vs. DAC-transport combination.

To my great dismay, the more I listen, I’m finding my Oppo 105 is outperforming a very well thought of DAC and transport combination for which I paid 3x the price.  Basically the sound stage is wider and better defined.
Both the DAC and transport are less than a year old.  I thought I was upgrading.
Played by itself, the DAC-transport combo sounds great.  Until I compare it to the Oppo. 
I can’t understand it!
The main reason I bought a 105 maybe 4 years ago was to simplify my system, and I have ~ 50 SCADs/DD-As (and growing) . I upgraded from a Parasound P3 to a P5 pre/ dac. I tried the P5 dac using a toslink and after significant break- in, I did not notice much of an improvement

About a year ago I installed an aftermarket wiring loom- silver wires to the power supply board connected to a Rhodium IEC. That was a big improvement. Later, I replaced the OEM power supply with a Linear Power Module, another big leap.

I sold the P5 the using the 105 direct to my amps: OK at best on redbook. I came across a Hattor Passive Pre XLR which was a huge improvement, though an impedance mismatch with my amps. I bought a Audio Alchemy stereo amp, but it too was a mismatch, so I bought a AA DDP-1 (DAC/PRE, but just for the preamp. Finally, the music was coming to life. 

For grins I decided to try the DDP-1 DAC using the same WireWorld Toslinkk cable: WOW

Next up was to dust off my decade+ old Pioneer PD 65 CD player, inverted platter with a Musical Concepts Stage 3 mod which included an outboard power supply: Amazing

So, the 105 now idles until I want to spin high rez discs        
“ I think you may be surprised at the dynamic range of vinyl. You may find its range far exceeds digital.”

+1 uberwaltz 
@audioconnection what is the output impedance via the balanced and unbalanced outputs for the Ayre Codex? That specification is not provided in Ayre product literature. 
People forget one important thing. Oppo cannot create a 3-dimensional stage. Based on the fact that it does not own this property. We have client who owned the 105 and 205. We could proof that they are 2D products.

This is why they sold it. When you would use it as a transport you still will keep the same stage dna. You never can go to a 3D stage.

Audio is all about sound. And sound is being founded on diffeent properties. When you want to reveal all the details and properties of the recoding. You need an audiosystem what is capable of revealing all these details and layers.

But the Oppo cannot reveal all the 8 properties, due to the fact that is lacks different properties of sound. And what is missing will never be there.

" @mahler123.
 I think you may be surprised at the dynamic range of vinyl. You may find its range far exceeds digital."

     Are you serious?  Fortunately for all of us you are trying to mislead, the actual dynamic range of vinyl vs.digital is not a matter of opinion.  The dynamic range, as well as the frequency response range and noise levels,of both formats can be and have been scientifically measured.  Digital has been proven to be superior in all 3 measurements.

     , I understand the appeal of high quality vinyl playback and have no desire or intention of discouraging its usage.  I believe everyone should listen to whatever they prefer. 
     But I also believe there is no benefit of making the obviously and scientifically verifiable false statement you made..