People forget one important thing. Oppo cannot create a 3-dimensional stage. Based on the fact that it does not own this property. We have client who owned the 105 and 205. We could proof that they are 2D products.
This is why they sold it. When you would use it as a transport you still will keep the same stage dna. You never can go to a 3D stage.
Audio is all about sound. And sound is being founded on diffeent properties. When you want to reveal all the details and properties of the recoding. You need an audiosystem what is capable of revealing all these details and layers.
But the Oppo cannot reveal all the 8 properties, due to the fact that is lacks different properties of sound. And what is missing will never be there.
This is why they sold it. When you would use it as a transport you still will keep the same stage dna. You never can go to a 3D stage.
Audio is all about sound. And sound is being founded on diffeent properties. When you want to reveal all the details and properties of the recoding. You need an audiosystem what is capable of revealing all these details and layers.
But the Oppo cannot reveal all the 8 properties, due to the fact that is lacks different properties of sound. And what is missing will never be there.