Oppo 105 D vs. DAC-transport combination.

To my great dismay, the more I listen, I’m finding my Oppo 105 is outperforming a very well thought of DAC and transport combination for which I paid 3x the price.  Basically the sound stage is wider and better defined.
Both the DAC and transport are less than a year old.  I thought I was upgrading.
Played by itself, the DAC-transport combo sounds great.  Until I compare it to the Oppo. 
I can’t understand it!

" @mahler123.
 I think you may be surprised at the dynamic range of vinyl. You may find its range far exceeds digital."

     Are you serious?  Fortunately for all of us you are trying to mislead, the actual dynamic range of vinyl vs.digital is not a matter of opinion.  The dynamic range, as well as the frequency response range and noise levels,of both formats can be and have been scientifically measured.  Digital has been proven to be superior in all 3 measurements.

     , I understand the appeal of high quality vinyl playback and have no desire or intention of discouraging its usage.  I believe everyone should listen to whatever they prefer. 
     But I also believe there is no benefit of making the obviously and scientifically verifiable false statement you made..
A quick google search reveals at least as many claims to the contrary from scientific tests as you state.

I find plenty of articles "proving" which has more dynamic range swinging both ways. And of course it also all depends on your definition of dynamic range and how you test and measure it. This is an argument that has raged for decades!

Which is why I clearly stated "may" as it all depends on which articles you decide to believe, and how you interpret dynamic range.

No I am not going to bother to post any links but your assertion that my statement is completely untrue and factless is just not correct.

IMHO of course and no I am not going to waste time getting into a debate over it either.
Not that I want to get into a debate either, but in my subjective experience, I’ve found that records have always sounded more “open” and transparent than CDs.
And, as I’ve stated, there’s very little if any background noise on a clean record.
Ideally the big advantage of the compact disc was its signal to noise ratio and dynamic range which all things being equal is much higher than what the best turntable can deliver. Let’s say 60 dB for analog and 90 dB for compact disc/player. That’s a difference of 30 dB, right. But everything is relative so when CDs are overly compressed Dynamic Range wise then it could even the playing field, it all depends though whether the record you’re comparing it to was overly compressed itself. But I tend to agree that subjectively on average to good systems records can sound more dynamic. There are also lots of Polarity issues with CDs, more than with records I suspect.