Does hearing the best in high end audio make your opinions more valid?

I say yes. Some say no. What are your thoughts?
Best I ever heard in my life. Sounded so good I don’t want to hear it again. They had to put me out I wanted to stay so long. Intoxicating, airy, great detail, no harshness, perfect soundstage big, great image placement, airy highs, open wide midrange, deep tight low bass. Granted this was an all out assault system worth about 600k retail. But it is the best I heard and I heard it in extended sesssions on 3 occasions. That kind of reference point is priceless in the hobby. Showed me what reproduction was possible of. The sound is in my head so when I listen it’s locked in. Now can you get that out of a 60k system I doubt It. I have a system 35k retail and I have heard systems all over. Mines is put together pretty good and I have heard systems that cost 60 to 70k that mines will run with but after that if you get the right equipment and set up my system can’t run past that amount. The proper high end stuff is just that good and some folks have no idea.

>>>>That’ll do til something better comes along. 🤭
Post removed 

I don't believe that hearing the best high end audio equipment makes one's opinion more valid. it is good for comparison of systems and the ability to reproduce recorded music.

 I will say that for people that actually listen to music as opposed to background music (nothing wrong with that), it is important to know what instruments actually sound like to know what is real and what is a characteristic of bad recordings or bad equipment or both.

Then, when you hear reproduced music, especially recorded music that is suppose to have background dimensionality, space, depth, proper sounding instruments, etc. and you don't hear that, or the sound drives you out of the room, you know.

I like to go to my favorite store and sit and listen in their stupidly expensive room to my favorite music or theirs.  Just to get an idea of what the recorded music is suppose to sound like, or a good impression.

Then, when I hear the music on other systems, and don't hear certain things, I know why. 

However, I can tell you that many times it is the room also.  This is why so many people get so frustrated or angry when they spend quality time listening to store equipment, buy something, take it home and it sounds completely different in their home with their equipment.

I know that there is equipment that is seriously overpriced.  However, quality high end equipment is simply that, and, there is a reason why there exist low fi, mid fi and high end (low high end, mid high end, and top high end) equipment.

Same with cars.  A Nissan Versa will get you to the same place as a Mercedes S560.  However, the S560 is a better designed and built car.  Same with audio equipment.  There are levels.

Your opinion may not be more valid listening to ultra high end equipment, especially if you are happy with where you are with your system.  You might just be "there".  doesn't mean the ultra high end equipment isn't better that your stuff.  It probably is.  But, if in your system, compared to the ultra high end stuff, you are "there" and your system reproduces the music accurately, then okay.

You can always get better. 

In track and field we say that there is always someone faster, stronger, can jump higher or faster. It is just on a particular day in a particular track meet that you may win.  But don't get the "big head".  There is always someone out there that is better.

Same with audio equipment.  There is always something better.  But, is it worth it to you to spend ungodly amounts to "upgrade" to that level?

I've listened to some amazing systems.  I feel that I'm "there" with my system.  Can I get better?  absolutely.

When one gets to a certain level with "high end" equipment, in my opinion and based on my experience, there really isn't jaw dropping differences.

But to have a valid "opinion" you better know what music and instruments actually are suppose to sound like first.



eric... Discussing nonsense is not of any interest to me. Some folks love to posit drivel and then expect some counterargument. Not gonna happen. If you think what you wrote had merit, not my problem.z

That's funny, because you made a claim about an invalid inference, I gave you a chance to correct it and now you seem offended. Do as you will. 


Well I think you missed the point of my whole post. He had great equipment. He matched it perfectly with cables and component matching. He had an almost perfectly measured listening enviorment.  He had the makers come in and set it up. The recording quality of the music he was playing was excellent. He had the whole cottage built for the purpose of listening to the best equipment he could get his hands on and because of his all out assault Audio nirvana happened. Lol. Until you’ve heard it don’t comment. Honestly, I don’t think I will ever hear something that good again. He went to great lengths to set the whole thing up!