Which Nakamichi to choose?

I have the opportunity to get a very good Nak Cassettedeck 1 or a DR-2. Which one would you choose? And why?
Thanks for giving a newbie some valuable advice.
Good info in here once you get past the turd stuff. I think some people don't understand that many of us old timers who grew up in the 80's have boxes and boxes of cassettes laying around and no way to listen to them. I have been shopping for a while, but the problem isn't finding a deck, it is finding the right deck.

I use Dolby B, but not Dolby C. With Dolby B, there's not much to choose between a hot-rodded Revox A77 half-track at 7.5ips and a hot-rodded CR-7a.

"Hot-rodded" means mainly cap and resistor improvements, not fundamental circuit changes.

Not my experience with the CR-7a. The auto-alignment feature makes up for any limitation in what is basically a different compensation curve. 
@terry9 I have never been fortunate enough to use a CR-7a my decks were a DR-2 and a DR-10. I have no doubt a really high end deck would be a different experience.
@jond , I agree with you; I tried it and decided against using it. I think everybody back in the day tried it and came to the same conclusion.
  I still have tapes that I recorded with "Dolby On."