No worries! We now know that any issues regarding conserving energy are no longer valid as we’ve reached the irreversible tipping point in our impact on climate. Unprecedented massive wildfires cover snow with ash that absorbs sunlight, wild animals in the warming Northeast are driven to their knees by tick infestations, trees are succumbing to disease from warming, the ice caps are melting far faster than anyone expected, reefs are dead or dying all over the globe so it’s "goodbye natural fish," the sea currents and jet stream are being effected causing massive weather changes, and coastal flooding will lead to chaos, massive migration, and unprecedented death and destruction. It’s too late to do a damn thing about it (we may have had a shot in the late 70s or so, but oil interests lobbied and lied us out of that possibility). So as wasteful as you want as it’s the sound of your gear that counts, not your children’s future.