system 2: Basis 1400, Rega OEM300, Delos , NOVa II phono, NAIM Atom, Vandersteen Treo CT mix of Shunyata and Kimber wire Isotek power conditioning...use serious listening ...
system3 aka vintage: Denon DP35 F , Nakagoka Cart, Croft RS Phono, MCD-205 CD, MX-110 Z rebuilt by Modeferi , MC240 into Vandersteen 1ci while I rebuild QUAD ESL-63 This is also my therapy room...hunting/ fishing tackle repair and readiness....
garage rocker...Nakamichi deck, Denon CD, variety of gear NAD, RANE, various tube amps Klipsch Cornwalls...yes they are loud...I can and do triamp them with RANE amps.....rarely..