DAC/Streamers Under 10k - Mytek, PS Audio...

Let's imagine you only listen to streaming music (Tidal, Qubuz, Apple Music, Youtube, etc). Roon is a pretty good way to stream higher quality to a Roon core (though the interface is horrendous) and for everything else you want to use AirPlay (which is lossless). What's the best option for a DAC-Streamer out there? I have a Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, which sounds excellent, but I don't love that I need to attach a USB cable to a computer to get the music to play (using a MacBook Pro currently).

There is the 
- Mytek Manhattan II w/ Network Card - $7k
- PS Audio DirectStream - $6k
- Lumin X1 - $14k (well over budget)
- Ayre QX-5 Twenty - $9k (might not support AirPlay)
- something from NAIM?
- ???

I've seen very few comparisons in the space so I just don't even know what's out there.
(For reference, the system is currently MBP > Mytek Brooklyn > Mc C47 > Mc MC452 > B&W 802 D3 with all Audioquest cabling)
Ag insider logo xs@2xmayoradamwest
You'll be happy with the Manhattan II.....especially if you are used to the Mytek sound with you Brooklyn.  I think you would have been disappointed with the PS DAC...a softer, more euphonic sound than Mytek.
@tdimler thanks! I watched several of the PS Audio videos on YouTube. I thought it was interesting that the founder specifically mentioned not really liking B&W, which makes me think the DirectStream and 802 might not be the best combo anyway. I’m looking for an accurate, uncolored sound with authority. In particular, for orchestral music. 
I can't speak to Streamers, but, the Audio Alchemy DAC/Pre (and stereo amp) is//are amazing at any sensible price and they have a Streamer

Auralic Vega G2 is roon ready.
It is rather MQA files that are not in his options
I own  an Exogal Comet Plus DAC and  am patiently waiting for it's companion streamer  the Vortex X1 to be released in the next couple of weeks. I really like the Exogal sound, and it's quite affordable gear.