I just inherited 800-1000 CD's and a lot of them are filthy

I looked at the list, but I didn't see anything  new.  Does that mean that eyeglass cleaner or Dawn is still the best way to go?  I have the Novus  kit for the scratches, and a bunch of old tee shirts.


Wash them with dishsoap. If alot of them are scratched badly and it’s worth it to you to save them a two wheeled bench grinder, two jeweler’s buffing wheels and compound works wonders. You have to be careful or you will burn them with too much pressure.
I used eyeglass cleaner and it removed most everything. I think what's left might be fingerprints that after 20-30 years are permanent. I've played a few and I can't hear anything out of the norm. Maybe I'll try the Novus and see if it removes the marks, and if I can hear a difference. 

Novus Cleaner...with Microfiber cloth. Polish with Novus - holy crap it’s the very best for Plastic and Acrylic. Seriously.