Looking for a warm sweet speaker

That images great and resolves without etched treble. I love the british sound, but want something a little more modern sounding. The big Harbeths sound good to me, but the price is just out of my reach. Any American brands that you could suggest? In this day and age it’s getting harder to find brick and mortar dealers or even by appointment dealers that stock the type of speakers I am looking for it seems.

I have analog and digital sources.
I decided to pick up a pair of Spendor D7's for right now.  I found a really nice pair for less than $4K so I will give these modern boxes a chance.  If I like them I may go for the D9's after the new year.  I almost bought a pair of the Harbeth 40.1, but always like Spendors.  I foresee myself upgrading a couple times to get what I really want, but the D7's should do well and into the new year.I ordered a Hana DL to use on my VPI Classic 3.  Thanks for the suggestions.  
Congrats Mike!  Spendor is a brand I haven't had a chance to get my ears on.  If at any point you are 'accepting' visitors, please let me know.  I've heard great things about the brand.

Since last time we spoke, I have gotten the house in order from the water heater leak and have also brought in some different speakers like the Tekton Double Impact and Wilson Watt Puppy 5.1.  If at any point you want to come over and have some sessions, my door is now open again.
Jpsound...missed this question...sorry...I like 120s better than 150s, and the Gold Lion KT88s were also great in my Jolida. If you're using EL34s you might want to try the Gold Lion KT77s as they're my new fave in my Dennis Had SEP amp. A surprise since I'd tried JJ KT77s and they didn't sound good at all, but the GL KT77s are great sounding.
Congratulations. I have about 200 hours on a new pair of Spendor D9s and am loving the presentation. These replaced a pair of Thiel CS2.4 that had amazing detail but never the enveloping midrange balance that the D9s display in abundance. Detail is just as present but in a top to bottom balance that in my system is exactly what I had hoped for.  Enjoy!
@mckinneymike I recently had an opportunity to audition the D7's and the Classic 100's in the same room with same equipment.  To my ears and for my tastes, the Classic 100's were significantly superior.  Perhaps a warmer, more "old-fashioned" sound, but I like that, tremendous bass, tremendous, deep sound-stage, a real winner.  I burnt a CD a while ago with 7 "test" tracks.  When I audition speakers, I usually find myself skipping on to the next track after 2 or 3 minutes, as I've heard enough to make an initial judgement.  With the Classic's, I listened all the way through, without even realizing it.