DAC Help

Hello everyone.  New to the hobby and finally starting to piece together a complete Stereo/AV system.  My current set up: 

Sonus Guarneri evolution
Sonus Amati Center
JL Audio sub
Krell Phantom
Krell 403
Rotel HD CD player 

Currently listening to two DACs for the past few days:


My thoughts so far:

With the NADAC,  the vocals appear more forward, front and center and the music sort of a step behind the singer.   Theres more airiness to the vocals that sometimes feels or sounds artificial?  Sound stage is very similar with the Canary sounding a bit more "musically" of the two.  I'm also considering the Lampizator GG and the EMM labs DA2.  I'd appreciate any input and suggestions.  Thanks.
If you are new then you can start with something good but quite modest like an RMI-ADI 2 DAC. No need to spend a fortune on a DAC if you are getting started. Beware of hyperbole - you soon reach diminishing returns in DACs much earlier than you do with speakers, TT, cartridges and amplifiers.
I’ve got a great lady so the budget can be stretched if the unit is worth the money.