Marantz SA-10 arriving Monday!

I've been hearing and reading all I can about this player during this last year. I have a 6005 right now and it's a nice player but not as good as my analog rig (10k) so it's not a fair comparison. Elizabeth mentioned that her SA-10 is better than her analog. I will be comparing the 2 SACD players side by side. I have at least 3 CD's in which I have duplicates. I'm fascinated about how the circuitry upsamples to DSD SACD. Well not exactly but somehow an improvement over Redbook CD. I have a 2" thick maple block coming in the same day for it. It's going to be a long weekend. I know it can't work miracles on all CD's. If there is jitter in the recording then supposedly you will never get that out. Speak up if I'm wrong about that.
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I am baffled by what d2girls said too. Could you please clarify?
It would have made some sense if the statement were that it uses a new disc transport just developed by Marantz and there may be some issue or at least lack of data with that; thus, it may be better to use it only as a DAC. The DAC is what supposedly makes this player special.
I received my Marantz SA-10 today after 3 weeks wait.  Out of the box, it terminated my vinyl rigs and DAC.  I never know my system can sound that good; very high resolution, precise imaging, and good layering.  I am hearing a lot of things I never heard before.  Listening to SA-10 becomes addictive...

After it's broken in, I will share more...
When I first got mine it was a wake up moment. I was very impressed with the player however after extended listenings its not going to replace my vinyl rig. Its really good digital. A big leap. However it does not always have the detail archival as my TT. 
@anwar ,
Congratulations on the Marantz!
Would love to hear from you when you compare the Marantz, Denafrips and Oppo.