Hello mapman,
Sorry, I'm a bit confused by your last post.
As I understand it and in other words, you're stating that deep bass extension down to about 20 Hz can be achieved in most larger rooms through either a single large sub with a large driver or through multiple subs each with smaller drivers.possibly also incorporating passive radiators. And you add that you're unaware of any single 8" driver sub that can reproduce deep bass down to the typical audible limit of 20 Hz.
If the above accurately reflects your thoughts, I agree with you.
But then you go on to state:
" If your mains are larger and more full range you will likely have to go with a larger 12" or even larger sub in order to cover the lowest frequencies not covered otherwise by the mains."
I think I clearly understand your statement but disagree with it.
I believe, in your quoted example above, that excellent in-room bass response down to 20 Hz +/- 3 dB can be achieved in virtually any sized room through the use of 4 smaller subs with 10" drivers if configured as a distributed bass array system.
I believe this because my mains are larger and are run full range but only extend down to about 34 Hz. I utilize a db, consisting of 4 smaller subs with 10" drivers, in my medium sized? (23 x 16 foot) room to provide excellent in-room bass response from 20-40 Hz +/- 3 dB that integrate seamlessly with my large Magnepan panel mains for both music and ht.
I understand you don't currently require this degree of bass extension in your own system but thought you'd like to know this type of bass extension is possible in virtually any sized room without the need for subs with 12" or larger drivers .
Sorry, I'm a bit confused by your last post.
As I understand it and in other words, you're stating that deep bass extension down to about 20 Hz can be achieved in most larger rooms through either a single large sub with a large driver or through multiple subs each with smaller drivers.possibly also incorporating passive radiators. And you add that you're unaware of any single 8" driver sub that can reproduce deep bass down to the typical audible limit of 20 Hz.
If the above accurately reflects your thoughts, I agree with you.
But then you go on to state:
" If your mains are larger and more full range you will likely have to go with a larger 12" or even larger sub in order to cover the lowest frequencies not covered otherwise by the mains."
I think I clearly understand your statement but disagree with it.
I believe, in your quoted example above, that excellent in-room bass response down to 20 Hz +/- 3 dB can be achieved in virtually any sized room through the use of 4 smaller subs with 10" drivers if configured as a distributed bass array system.
I believe this because my mains are larger and are run full range but only extend down to about 34 Hz. I utilize a db, consisting of 4 smaller subs with 10" drivers, in my medium sized? (23 x 16 foot) room to provide excellent in-room bass response from 20-40 Hz +/- 3 dB that integrate seamlessly with my large Magnepan panel mains for both music and ht.
I understand you don't currently require this degree of bass extension in your own system but thought you'd like to know this type of bass extension is possible in virtually any sized room without the need for subs with 12" or larger drivers .