SME V tone arm advice

I’m the original owner of the SME V tone arm, Litz wire on a Oracle Delphi Mk II table. I would like to upgrade the table in the 3-4 K range. My question is might it be better to sell the arm and purchase a table arm combination such as VPI prime or keep the arm and add a table and maybe replace the phono cable? A new cartridge is up for grabs at this point, prefer high output.  Thanks everyone for your experienced opinions. 
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Oracle is still in business and you can upgrade the table. Keep the SME V tonearm. You have two great products that work well together.

I don’t think the change to a VPI Prime is an upgrade at all. Many of the VPI owners and fans will likely disagree.

What phono preamp are you using? By higher output do you mean a higher output MC or a MM/MI cartridge?
Thank you all for your highly  regarded advice as it appears to be unanimous. I was on the fence but not anymore. Evidently some products withstand the test of time. 
Thanks all,
jperry, using a Prism Orpheus as my one and all pre/Dac. Decware and Sim amps , Grand Veenas complete my quiver. 
Soundsmith Aida MI  has my interest right now. 
Actually id like to simplify  and Lyngdorf may get my business as an all in one. 
Spatial, Dutch,Dutch; and Tekton may also be on the horizon. Appreciate your interest. 
Keep the SME V for sure! Personally, I use an SME IV, fitted with a Clearaudio Maestro V2 Ebony cartridge, on a Michell Engineering GyroDec (full plinth, not SE version) and could not be happier with the results. See my previous post on this system:

Last night my wife and I listened to the new MFSL, 45 rpm, one-step (UD1S) release of Simon & Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water. Wow! Can’t believe this recording is nearly 50 (48 for those who are pedantic) years old. Unbelievably quite background and wonderful rich sound. To me, this is as good as vinyl gets.

I have a Sme IV with Ortofon Mc3000mk2 and Gyrodec full up-graded for 30 years.

SME series 309 - IV - V and Gyrodec like some other models of different brands (Denon DL 103 for example) resist for 30 years and beyond; there will be a reason!
Do not give in to the temptation of novelties!