Srajan states in the review that the photo of the rubidium clock is of the models Jays has and not that it's the CD2. He just wanted to show the differences in the models. He even mentions the CDP-3 with the onboard Soekris R2R converter.
The purpose of his review was to compare a CDT to his reference iMac setup, both fed to the same DAC with similar cabling, and the Jay's Audio CD2 acquitted itself in flying colors compared to a PC set up.
He said that the CDT was like having zero NFB whilst the iMac seemed to have about 10db NFB, making it drier and tighter. The CDT was more elastic, fluid and airy, and that was what he was trying to suss out.
More press would be nice but the current craze is for PC and I don't see many review mags and sites running to try this one out. Their loss, and ours and others who don't/won't know better.
All the best,
The purpose of his review was to compare a CDT to his reference iMac setup, both fed to the same DAC with similar cabling, and the Jay's Audio CD2 acquitted itself in flying colors compared to a PC set up.
He said that the CDT was like having zero NFB whilst the iMac seemed to have about 10db NFB, making it drier and tighter. The CDT was more elastic, fluid and airy, and that was what he was trying to suss out.
More press would be nice but the current craze is for PC and I don't see many review mags and sites running to try this one out. Their loss, and ours and others who don't/won't know better.
All the best,