nsp, I have several DVD's of Fela, they are very entertaining. The owner of Vintage Vinyl records introduced me to Fela quite some time ago. Fela was a revolutionary on a continent, in a country where revolutionaries lived very short lives.
I say live for a cause, because you're going to die just because........
While the classical jazz in this country can not be replaced, many of the records we discuss have been replaced numerous times in my collection, plus I bought them new beginning in 59; now I need something new, but new music from here just doesn't cut it for me; jazz from other countries is fresher. That's because what they call new jazz here is an imitation of old jazz, or free flowing chaos.
While this is an imitation of "Fela"; it's such a good imitation and the people are different, not to mention the Spanish infusion, plus I like the way she shakes her hips.
"To Thine Own Self Be True"