Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.

Have you compared with and without PS audio using same power cords to amps? I would expect differences at all volumes.

Can't draw any conclusions in lieu of hearing but on paper, p1000 looks like a pretty hefty beast, but only 7 amp current delivery per spec sheet I can see. 600W bryston delivers significantly more current than that I would bet.

My guess is results are a mixed bag of +s due to the device noticeable largely in midrange and higher and -s due to more limited current delivery, which I would guess might limit impact or meat on bones of bass perhaps. Either might sound better depending......
I can tell a little difference listening again. My volume knob does not have to be turned as far. 1:30 vs 3:00. I suspect my 15 amp dedicated line may be the actual choke point. A 20 amp line may be the thing however Bryston said my model is the 15 amp version.
We do share a lot of information here, and especially with this thread in general discussing many other types of omni, or omni-like speakers. This review is of another speaker, of which I have owned it's baby brother, the Model 4, for a year or so, along with a pair of Shahinian Obelisk 2's about 2 months ago. Check out the review here:


After taking a big break for about a year or so, selling my gear-my Ohm 3000's and MWT's etc., I came back looking at other alternatives, and the Larsen and Shahinian's ended up doing rotation in my system. While both Larsen and Shahinian-as well as Ohm's share many similarities, they all seem to still manage to do their own thing, and do it well. I still do miss the Ohm's at times, and may someday end up with another pair.

Nice to see this thread still alive! Tim
My lack of recent posts should not be misunderstood. I am still loving my Walsh 2000s, and do not anticipate changing out my speakers in the forseeable future. Unfortunately, any and all upgrades are on indefinite hold. While still marginally employed, the wheels have come off the cart at work. The good news is that I am in a good place, audio-wise, with hundreds and hundreds of CDs to load on my server, and even more vinyl to digitize and place on the server. Just hoping nothing breaks!
Hi Bondman.

Sorry to hear about the work issues. Hopefully that can be put behind you sometime soon. Its a dog eat dog world out there these days for sure!

Meanwhile, hopefully take pleasure whenever/wherever you can. Enjoy the music!