Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?


What I do think is odd is that those who clamor for others to pursue measurements or blind testing seem so reluctant to undertake the work themselves.

Like who?

I defend the validity of blind testing, and I have performed a number of blind tests.

But first, let's deal with an implication one could take from your statement (whether you meant to imply this or not):

The idea that if someone critiques X method over Y method, that they have to be involved in performing those experiments themselves.  It should be obvious that isn't the case.   

You don't need to be a scientist yourself, to understand why a scientific approach to treating a new pathogen is more sound than, say, appealing to dreams, demons, magnetic bracelets, or ground up rhino horns are less sound approaches.  You just need to understand well enough the reason science operates as it does, and how this explains it's success relative to the failure of the other models.

It's similar to why you don't have to be a brain surgeon yourself, to rationally conclude if you are having signs of an aneurysm,   that you should see a brain surgeon not a vacuum salesman, no matter how enthusiastic the vacuum salesman may be about using vacuums to cure your problem.   You have enough knowledge to recognize from which direction sound and successful results derive, vs more dubious methods.

Same for audio or any other domain.  As long as you recognize the existence of the variables of human bias, you are in a position to ask who is taking that problem most seriously in their methods of evaluation.

People who say "I know there is a sonic difference between A and B simply because I believe to have heard it" are not taking the problem of bias seriously, whereas people attempting to verify phenomena through objective measurements and listening tests that attempt to control for bias at least ARE taking it seriously in their method.

As I've said this DOES NOT mean that everyone needs to be blind testing, or can't just go on what they think they hear.  No one is forcing, or should force, such a thing.  We are all free to buy on whatever criteria we want, as it should be.  But if someone wants to CLAIM there is an objective  phenomenon happening - like cable burn in - then it's completely reasonable to look at what type of method they are using to demonstrate the claim.

As to my own blind tests, I've used bind tests between CD players/DACs, some audio cables, power cables, video cables, and digital servers.   

I don't do this all the time - far from it - because as I've said no one is compelled to make decisions via such methods and frankly while sometimes they are fun, they can be a hassle.  It would be a different case if I had a lab and all the right expensive measuring tools, not to mention more technical knowledge.  But, I don't. That's not my field of expertise.  

When I want to blind test something, I  simply do the best I can within my meagre means, and I don't make claims that extend beyond what those meagre means can actually imply for me personally.  

Uh, I think you mean do you have to burn in the air molecules for your wireless stereo.

“‘Tis better to burn it than to burn out.”
Cable manufacturers are just as human and prone to bias as anyone else. Bias influences, or just mistakes in perception, can happen whether you are switching quickly between A and B, or slowly over time.
In order for this to be true, every single manufacturers is wrong.  All the professional reviewers are either wrong or liars. 

So we have two possibilities:
1.  All manufacturers are wrong.  All professional reviewers are either wrong or liars.

2. You are correct and everybody else is wrong.

Every so often, I'll pop in here to gauge the proceedings and there's always one theme that remains steadfast. That of Leviathan:

Just as in politics and religion, there are those who simply can't trust the masses. They need constant supervision and guidance. They can't be trusted and the premise of their arguments are that they are delusional and/or mistaken, and not much else is allowed or entertained.

Some will say that's too strong a statement but if one were to be truly objective, the overlap is obviously and painfully apparent. Hobbes' call for an absolute sovereign seems to be an underlying cause de celebre around these parts. We need go no further than what is and has been written. There is nothing left for the masses to learn on their own.

Thank goodness I've been in this hobby long before I came to this site as I've always heard and experienced break in with components and cables and took it as a natural event, not even up for debate. The final sound determined whether I kept something or moved on.

Long before the camps and bubbles of the internet, every maker of gear all said the same thing: expect some break in. No biggie or controversy: it was a given. Conventional wisdom for sure, but based on empirical observation. Then the price gouging and charlatans started to flourish resulting in a backlash that went overboard. Everything was to be doubted; back to the manuals! Polarization intensified driving the camps further apart. 

If I had started this hobby along with this site, I might have ended up deferring to the experts on the subject of "break in" and go against reason and experience, doubting my own senses and perceptions, and upon being confronted with the actual evidence (hearing it), been driven into yet another episode of cognitive dissonance, getting angrier and ever more steadfast in my mistaken beliefs, and because of that, my level of enjoyment, diminished.

The horrors. 😉

All the best,