devore fidelity gibbon nines ,need good amplificat

hey every one i need good amplification for this lovely speakers i heard them with 3 amplification :
1.leben cs600
2.cary sli80
3.nuforce 9 two monoblocks+pre ear.

any another advice i wanna amazing amplification and the list i heard was in the same level but not so good any another or maybe what u think of this amplification that i hear ?
my livingroom is 3 meter*5 meter but isnt aqustic at all and i sit in the 3 meter size and the speakers is near to me
i need to this speakers tube amplification or regular or pre tube and power not tube ??? i m confused pls help me
I don't know if this would apply to the Nine's, as well, but when I asked John DeVore for a recommendation for an amp for the Devore 8's he suggested a Leben.
I heard these speakers with the Leben cs600 and the combination sounded beautiful, powerful, detailed and delicious.
when i heard the speakers with carysli80 -the sound was clear but very thin the bass very soft but its musically sound. with the nuforce+pre ear834 -the sound was diffrent more bass agood control on the speakers i think its bcz the dampactor is 4000 and sound was sharp and correct u can know when its strart and when its ended the instrument.
the bass was impresive and correct. good power on the speakers.
the lebencs600- was less correct but the sound of the singer was vocaly and impressive the bass was soft and hot but not correct like tubes do to speakers,the stage was big deep .
but my problem is i heared for only 2 hours and i think that if i need to choce one amplifier its depended on my mood for example if i wanna hear pink floyd the wall the sound was good with the nuforce and if i wanna hear dire straits the vocal sound was amazing with the leben. but the cary sli80 was not this and not this was more thiny
so people what to do ??
in israel we dont have all company representation like the great shindo that john devore use . people what u think on nuforce 9 monoblocks +pre ear834
can u give me recommendition to good company or to stay with my coorect amplificat :power advance aqoustic maa406+pre xindak3200. and the last think i have suggest to hear pre-manly shrimp +power manly mahi
??? my budget is 2500-5000 k$
IMO, the NuForce is not even close to your best option.

A tube amp with more clarity and slam than a Cary would be good. Consider

Berning(maybe too costly), BAT VK60(cheap) or VK55, and Consonance.

Trelja distributes Consonance in North America, and I can say that for the price they crush most everything. Many of their models can be used w/multiple type tubes to better adjust to your preference. Decide on amp, and then a complementary pre. Cheers,
I am a Devore dealer and here is my 2 cents...In general, I prefer Devore speakers with tubes or warm solid state. However, my personal favorite match for the Nines is the Art Audio Diavolo with the optional volume control. Plenty of power and finesse.