Planar/panel speakers to replace Carver Amazings

Hi All,

a while back, I posted a question titled “Secondary/“vintage” system speaker replacement options?” in this section. However, it didn’t get many responses.

However, perhaps the above simpler title will elicit more responses. Just trying again.

if you’d like more background info, please see the above titled post.

All the best and many thanks.
Just go to and ask or look for Ed (username Sea) he will rebuild your ribbon better than the originals, Bob even is exited about the new kapton he had made and the recent tests comparing to original ribbons. I myself bought some and did it myself but the hardest part is removing and not breaking the magnets then gluing them back in and in the right phase. I forget what his charge is to do it for you but I know it was a real bargain.
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I say dont replace the amazings fix them.

possibly invest in an active crossover.
i have 2 pairs of amazings the platinums and the silvers.
I also have many other speakers, but i dont plan to sell the amazings or my dunlavys....    i still try new speakers, but like these 3 pairs the most.

Thanks Batman. I’m enjoying them very much. I think  getting them fixed is not going to be easy; I tracked down all these leads and the upshot is that I won’t mess with them unless the issue gets worse. The fix could make them worse. I am interested in the active crossover. How would one implement that? I don’t intend to part with mine either!