The "how many reviews it got" rule

This is my rule of thump when I purchase components online
without having heard them first.  If a component received a
lot of reviews, chances are the component is very good.
I mean the component has to be good to attract a lot of
reviewers. Most reviewers probably wouldn’t
bother to review something he doesn’t like in the first place.
There was a mag called "Audio Ideas guide" written solely by it’s editor Andrew Marshall from Toronto.As an English major his writing was concise,readable and very informative.No flowery language or hyperbole.
I thought his reviews were spot on and fair.
He stated specifically he would not review anything that he thought was inferior in quality or overpriced compared to other products.
I don’t think any of our current mags come close to the standard he attained with his periodical...I regret his publication is no longer available .(At least not here in the US as far as I know)
I don’t think any of our current mags come close to the standard he attained

I don't think it's a fair criticism.  If it were that, then we wouldn't have Ferrari or Lamborghini. 
I would read any audiophile review with a pinch of salt. I would look at measurements and look for forums about complaints of build or support issue. Then look at components used, design etc and of-course price.

I am in the camp that thinks good amps should all sound same at normal levels as long they can drive the speakers without breaking a sweat. 

Here is the thing, you give an item a bad review, and you implicitly insult people who went out and bought one. They get upset, regardless how spot on, or perhaps even generous the review, and they will not renew their subscription. Subscriptions plummet with every negative review, which also lowers advertising revenue because the advertisers want a large audience, and pay based upon magazine sales figures. 

When TAS and Stereophile were add free, they had more flexibility but still, their income stream was based upon magazine sales, but in their case, magazine sales only. So even then there was an automatic disincentive to degrade bad gear. 

I have owned and heard many of their top tier gear, and have found that much of it sucks. While I rarely ever buy based upon the clown posse's reviews, I thankfully did allow them to talk me into buying a Schiit Audio Yggdrasil, and that was a game changer, but it was also, I believe, an exception.

It was such a drastic improvement that I have since completely revamped my stereo. I went with a Schiit Freya for a time, but reluctantly followed the advice of a former Freya owner and bought a Don Sachs DS2 preamp. I honestly expected it to be at best a nominal improvement, but it wasn't. Mind you, synergy does come into play here, had I had say Vandersteen speakers, I may very well have been unable to distinguish many of the differences which I heard. 

So too with individual reviews on line. Ignorance is a part of the human condition, if not we wouldn't bother with reviews in the first place. The gear that I own is the most neutral I can find at a price that I believe that I can afford. Others would call neutral gear bright, and I suppose bright gear, very bright. So ferreting through reviews of any type is fraught with problems. It's a shame that we don't have audio studios strategically located throught the nation with large assortments of gear that we could listen to in a variety of acoustically different rooms.