detailed vs. warm DAC - which do I prefer?

My first post on GON... I recently purchased a PS Audio DirectStream DAC and when I do an A/B comparison with my old NAD C542 cd player (Burr-Brown Sigma Delta DAC), I prefer the cd player every time.  The DSD just sounds too laid-back and muted for my taste with a less-defined soundstage.  In all fairness to PS Audio, I've only had the DSD for a couple of weeks so it's nowhere near to being broken in.  My question to the group is what, if anything, does this say about my preference in DACs?   I live in the sticks, so I don't have the luxury of listening to demos at a dealer or in my own system.  If I do seek out a replacement for the DSD, should I consider a more "detailed" or "warm" DAC?  I honestly don't know what I prefer.  My budget is $7K and I'm considering the mytek manhattan II, bryston, luxman, and exogal.  Surely there's a DAC in this price range that will sound better than spinning discs in my old cd player.  Or maybe I've grown so accustomed to the digital redbook sound that I haven't learned to appreciate the more analog sounding DSD and it might grow on me after break-in.
I'd like to encourage you to give the Exogal Comet a try. I don't want to miss mine anymore.
You can have both. No reason that can't especially at that price point.  I just sold an Ayre QX5/20 DAC/streamer/digital front controller (even new it's in your range depending on which input you want. There are some incredible DAC's in the 5k range that would be a great choice.  Have you seen the very long thread on AG talking about top DAC's?  Matt (the OP) is a very close friend and he was looking for the top DAC period, but he's also had some of the under 10k DAC's in that thread.  It's a very very long thread, but you can simply ask Matt which ones he likes in your range.  You will have a ton of 'experts' trying to sell you on THEIR DAC's, but Matt has actually had most of them in for a decent audition. He's also not a sales person (he's a Dr.).  

Feel free to PM me if you want to get in touch with him or have me ask for you.  He'll have a few options for you I'm sure.  Be ready though as he's not a fan of the PS Audio DAC's, lol.  
lots of good options at your price point, but don't downplay the importance of the transport. And the free DirectStream DAC upgrade should be available next week...
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I have both the Manhatten (I) and the Bryston DAC3.  I’ve never heard the PS Audio, but based on what you’ve written, I have a feeling that the Manhatten will suit you fine.  My Manhatten is fantastically detailed and analytical but still sounds musical.  I purchased the Bryston primarily for it’s ability to play SACDs and it’s a bit softer and less detailed than the Manhatten, although still an excellent DAC