If you want a wide sweet spot, then I agree that Ohm Walsh should be on your short list. Their flagship is <$12,000 in the veneer of your choosing, or they have one ready to sell (demo model I believe) for <$9000. However, contact them and give precise room dimensions, their higher priced models are usually made to work with larger rooms and wouldn’t work if your room is smaller, there usually isn’t a sound quality difference within the same model line.
If you want a wide sweet spot, then I agree that Ohm Walsh should be on your short list. Their flagship is <$12,000 in the veneer of your choosing, or they have one ready to sell (demo model I believe) for <$9000. However, contact them and give precise room dimensions, their higher priced models are usually made to work with larger rooms and wouldn’t work if your room is smaller, there usually isn’t a sound quality difference within the same model line.