I’ve had a lot of speakers hooked up to my McIntosh tube system and the best by far are the Harbeths. They really incredible speakers. I think the 30.1 or 40.1 would work well for you.
Other than that, I believe the PSB Imagine T3’s are another to consider. I heard these at a friend’s and was pretty blown away; bought a pair of Imagine T2s for my McIntosh solid state system and they sound fantastic.
Lastly, I sometimes swap in a pair of vintage Klipsch Forte’s and am always amazed at how big their sound is, especially with little power. Fun.
Good luck and remember, Hell is having everything you want.
Other than that, I believe the PSB Imagine T3’s are another to consider. I heard these at a friend’s and was pretty blown away; bought a pair of Imagine T2s for my McIntosh solid state system and they sound fantastic.
Lastly, I sometimes swap in a pair of vintage Klipsch Forte’s and am always amazed at how big their sound is, especially with little power. Fun.
Good luck and remember, Hell is having everything you want.