There are a lot of pronouns in your first paragraph. Could you be a little more specific, and what exactly does this mean:
and this:
I'm afraid right now this reads like a song to me, where anyone can interpret them in a variety of ways the author may not have intended.
There are a lot of pronouns in your first paragraph. Could you be a little more specific, and what exactly does this mean:
The psychological terrain of reacting to the unconscious forces made conscious & acted on by attempting to sell at prices rationalized as fair market value dominates it more assertively but is really equally present in both instances.
and this:
The time, effort & energy money represents being squandered due to self-propelling neurosis of pretending to get it back by being stubborn in getting a too specific, arbitrary number - is too often (by no means always) a constant wonder.
I'm afraid right now this reads like a song to me, where anyone can interpret them in a variety of ways the author may not have intended.