I have heard these at our local hifi store several times with electronics similiar to mine. I found them very detailed, great micro detail, deep soundstage, mid's were a little laid back, Bass was excellent for their size. A bit of a power hog (not too effecient).
In the end I found the Monitor Audio Rx6 to be a preferable speaker (will be purchasing them). Same amount of micro detail but with a warmer midrange, less grittiness on the high end, not as deep of a soundstage, but a remarkable bass (tighter,deeper and with more slam factor) bass drums sounded and "felt" like bass drums. When I watched Cowboys and Aliens with them. Voices were very clear, never had trouble making out words.
If your only using the Arro for Jazz / Classical listening at moderate volume levels I would highly recommend them. If you are going to venture into modern hip-hop / rock or blues with your Jazz, Classical and occasional movie, give the rx6 an audition.